Reader, dreamer, fangirl, film fan, TV addict, nascent gamer, chocolate fan, cat-owned, mum.
Monday, June 28, 2010
It's Monday! What are you reading?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Guardian of the Dead review

8/10 That movie that you've watched 100 times and you never get tired of
Monday, June 21, 2010
It's Monday! What are you reading?

What I'm reading now - and I'm nearly finished as a matter of fact - is Private, by James Patterson. I like Patterson for fast reads that don't take up too much brain power, and Private is no exception.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Weekly Geeks

Gosh, I haven't done a Weekly Geeks for ages! Topic here: http://www.weeklygeeks.com/2010/06/weekly-geeks-2010-22-hoarding-behavior.html
Now; I'm not going to talk about my TBR specifically, because basically all of my bookcases contain TBR books and if I ever counted them ... let's just say the resulting fall out would not be pretty.
A couple of nights ago - completely coincidentally - I took pictures of my books that I keep nearest to my bed. My mosst immediate TBR pile if you will.
So. There you go, Geeks, that is my immediate TBR pile ...
Live long, and prosper, Geeks <3
Friday, June 11, 2010
American Gods readalong

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Whose Body

Whose Body by Dorothy L Sayers
It's always interesting reading the first book of a series – seeing the author's thought-processes and the way they start working out their characters.
Whose Body is the first novel in the series by Sayer featuring Lord Peter Whimsy.
Lord Peter is a man of many interests, one of which is crime, in which he dabbles here and there.
He's called on to do a little bit more than dabbling when a body is found in the bathtub of a respectable family.
I was very curious to read Whose Body – I've been a longtime fan of Agatha Christie, and I enjoy finding crime authors from the same era.
Whose Body is a short novel and – for me – didn't really pack a big punch, although it was readable, and I enjoyed the characters.
As I understand it, Sayers' novels improve greatly and because it is a time-period I love reading about, I spent a very pleasant few hours with Whose Body.
For me; it was enjoyable and diverting rather than outstanding, but I am looking forward to reading more of Sayers' novels – I liked her writing style very much. :)
7/10 Someone else cooks dinner – yay!