
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Some things

Lol I had a whole post in my head, I would swear I did. I wonder where it went ...


Thing the first: As some of you may or may not know I'm reading along with Care of for Nat's Murakami challenge - - we're reading The Windup Bird Chronicle.

I can say that Care is well ahead of me at this stage and that I have just read one of the grossest things I have ever read in a book. Apart from that it's good. Engaging and quirky and smart which I like because it's engaging my dusty brain cells - lol.

Next month is a readalong of The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simmons with Marg of and Bree at

Good times!!! :D :D :D

In August I'm toying with doing an Austen in August thing. Mostly because I want to re-read Persuasion - lol. I'll muse on that one, though.

I also want to have a month where I only read from my own shelves - so a kind of four-week amnesty on library books. Mmmmaybe. :D

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I tumbl, and vlog

I started a tumblr. Tis here:

There's no content as yet, and it's designed to be a weight loss/reading type deal. I'm joining Amanda's-formerly-of-the-zen-leaf 52-52-52 challenge - 52 books, and 52 pounds in 52 weeks. I'm a little late joining because I wanted to get my first week's food sorted first, but my plan is to make the best start I can on Monday. :D

And now, a vlog. (Sidenote: yes, I did call my own tumblr jane says on there rather than janesdays. I don't know what to tell you ...)