
Sunday, August 8, 2010

South Pacific Book Chat!

Twitter is a wonderful thing. I was an early Twitter-mocker, as I'm sure many people were, but now I think it's the greatest thing ever.

The LOTR readalong (at which I failed badly and I still have a bookmark in The Two Towers ...) came about because of discussions on twitter, as did many other discussions, readalongs and events, I'm sure.

I live in New Zealand, as most of you know, which means I have the Timezone of Nightmares for things like book chats. I was talking to Marg of and on twitter, and we formulated the idea of a South Pacific Book Chat.

The idea is that anyone can play, but it's going to be at a time conducive (I hope) to those living in the South Pacific.

I'm a night owl, so it will start at 11pm, NZ time on Thursday, August 12, (if you want to figure out your time go here: It's about 8pm in Japan and 9pm in Australia (though apparently not all of Australia ... time zones hurt my brainz).

The first #spbkchat (this will be our hashtag :-) ) that will be hosted on Twitter [thursdayaugust12] will be open slather for topics, and at the end of it, we'll choose a topic for the next week's chat, and go on from there. The plan is to make it a weekly discussion. If you're on twitter, absolutely feel free to drop in and weigh in. The more the merrier!

NB: We're doing 11pm-1am NZ time for the first one this Thursday, but it's a trial time. We can talk about moving it back an hour for the next one. :-)

I hope this all makes sense ...

1 comment:

Eva said...

Oh, if I'm up at Thursday, I'll be sure to pop by: such a good idea!

And I LOVE pictures of Patrick and kitty in the same post. Cuteness overload. :D