Monday seems to come around faster and faster, doesn't it?
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I hope everyone had a happy Christmas, and that there was much reading done :-)
For myself, I finished Guardian of the West by David Eddings, and Hercule Poirot's Christmas, by Agatha Christie. Both re-reads, but both very enjoyable.
On the slate this week we have Fierce September, by Fleur Beale. It's the sequel to Juno of Taris and I'm reading it now because it's due back at the library on January 1. Good stuff so far.
Also King of the Murgos, book 2 of the Mallorean; The Mists of Avalon, which is my half-assed online book club's read for December/January; Quillblade by Ben Chandler; The Two Towers (I'm getting bloody-minded about finishing LOTR again - lol) and The Fall, by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan, which is my break time at work read. :-)
Obviously this will take longer than a week, but that's what my night stand looks like. How's yours this week?