Edited to add ... and LOOK at this awesome button that Care made for it. How can you say no to jaffas? NO ONE can say no to jaffas:
October 1 marks the start of NZ Book month: http://nzbookmonth.co.nz/ Chatting with Care - http://bkclubcare.wordpress.com/ - on Twitter yesterday, I happened to mention this, and idly suggest I might run a mini-challenge for October. She offered to help, and automatically gets jaffas just for that (see near bottom of post).
And so, here we are. :) Um. This is pretty much on the fly, but here's the plan:
During October, read one (1) book by a Kiwi author (there's a very helpful post about that right here: http://justaddbooks.blogspot.com/2009/07/care-package.html) and I believe the origins of this was borne out of a Weekly Geeks.
Part the second (2nd): Watch a Kiwi film, or a film by a Kiwi writer/director. Therefore, the LOTR movies count. (Anything from Peter Jackson ALWAYS counts.) As does The Truman Show ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120382/ - the screenplay writer is a Kiwi); the Shrek films (the co-director is a Kiwi); the Narnia films ... OR, really go Kiwi and try and dig up something like Goodbye Pork Pie ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082464/ - my hometown is featured at the end) or Once Were Warriors ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110729/)
Part the third (3rd): Listen to some Kiwi music. Once again, I have a blog post featuring said Kiwi music: http://justaddbooks.blogspot.com/2009/05/music-munday.html although I'm sadly lacking in this area. However, go forth, and google. Kiwi musos are AWESOME. Seriously. Try Midnight Youth, or Kids of 88 (their song My House is really catchy) or Gin Wigmore. Or Steriogram. Or Computers Want Me Dead.
Choose one, two, or all of the above. Or, hell, watch the first series of Flight of the Conchords.
I'm offering options because although it's New Zealand Book Month, we Kiwis are a diverse lot.
Um. There'll be a giveaway at the end of the month. I'll send out ... jaffas, or something. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffas_%28candy) Yeah. I'll send everyone who joins (pleasedontlettherebehundreds) a packet of jaffas at the end of October.
Kiwi as. "You're not in Guatemala now, Dr Ropata!"
Plus also, if some creative person could make me a badge of some kind using the above picture - I'd be really grateful.
AND ... play. You know you want to ... one month. A little slice of Kiwi life ... go ooooooooooooooonnnnn.
I'm in!
Yay! So far that's ... two of us :P
I'm in for a book! And probably some music too! :) I made a couple of buttons, but I can't find your e-mail.
Okay. If nothing else, I'll "force" myself to watch LOTR one more time!
I'm tempted to join, but I'll have to see if I can borrow/mooch/steal any Kiwi books :P If not I could always try a movie or music...I'll let you know!
Eva: my email is maree_jane30@hotmail.com
I've left you a message on Twitter as well :)
Beth: Oh, the sacrifice! :P
Nymeth: Yay! :D :D :D
I so, so shouldn't join another challenge because I don't need the stress it puts on me, but how can I not join this one? I'm in. I don't know what I'll pick, but I'll pick something.
P.S. I just read your care package post. Does reading Hairy McClary to my 5yo count? :-)
I'm actually leaning towards some Margaret Mahy. Or I might dig out my old video tapes and watch Typhon's People. I absolutely loved that.
Kerry: Hairy McClary totally counts! I never watched Typhon's People, but it makes me want to dig up the old Under the Mountain TV series ...
I'm going to try. I wonder if there are any books in my TBR pile by NZ authors...
The music, I can do. The movie, if I can find something at the library besides LOTR, I can do. And I'm going to see if any of the YA books you mentioned are available at my library.
My parents are on holiday in NZ right now, by the way. They were there a few years ago for a conference of some sort, and have been dying to go back ever since.
Maree: That reminds me that Children of the Dog Star (and I think Under the Mountain as well) have recently come out on DVD. They were originally on TV when I was living in Australia and I've never seen them. So there's another possibility.
Ali: Yay! :D I hope you find something good, and that your parents are enjoying their holiday.
Kerry: I'm going to see if the library has Under the Mountain. Or just dig out my copy of Goodbye Pork Pie ... :D
Great challenge, I'm in! Any excuse to watch LOTR again. I love Lynn Dodds' Slinky Malinky stories, but I might rise to Mr Pip, which I had been wanting to read anyway.
Is it going to give great offence if I use Care's kiwi fruit button, which is also awesome? (No offence to jaffas... :) )
I'm in :
I wnt looking for a list of books but couldnt' find one. I have no idea whee people are from and I am nearly blind, so could i get some help???? Website and where it is on webside would help, my library doens't even have New zealand authros listed... Lindy/CT
I'd love to play! I have had a couple NZ authors on my shelf for a while, so I might overlap this with the Clear Off Your Shelves challenge. And I have Once Were Warriors on my netflix queue already :-)
PS - Really love your blog! Glad I clicked through on people's links and found it.
I'm really enjoying Mister Pip... fyi, have a great weekend.
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