#1. What are you passionate about besides reading and blogging? For example, are you crafty (knitting, woodworking, scrapbooking, model building)? Do you cook? Into gaming (computer or board)? Sports (player or spectator)? Photography? Maybe you like geocaching, rock climbing? Or love attending events like renaissance fairs, concerts? Music? Dancing? You get the idea.
Tell us why you're passionate about it. Post photos of what you've made or of yourself doing whatever it is you love doing.
Oh my. I'm a magpie. I pick up interests, and put them away again, neglected. I do, however, have a few that have stuck. Outside of reading, they are cross stitching, movies, jigsaw puzzles and word finds and crossword ... and I would have said TV but my column has just been canned by work, so not so much. Sigh. So not particularly exciting interests. I'd like to say something like Extreme Archaeology, but .... I'm doing a bit of cross stitching on and off, but I can't do it at all when Patrick is up so it's on a go-slow. Movies I love, although I don't talk about that here very much. I also love to do jigsaws, but I'm limited to doing them online at the moment, which is oddly addictive.
(Aside: Could I SOUND like a bigger nerd???)
#2. Get us involved. Link to tutorials, recipes, Youtube videos, websites, fan sites, etc, anything that will help us learn more about your interest or how to do your hobby. Maybe you'd like to link to another hobbyist whose work you admire or tell us about a book or magazine related to your interest.
Hmmmm .... oddly, maybe, I don't visit a lot of cross stitching blogs. But when I'm looking for charts to buy, here is where I go:
http://123stitch.com/ http://www.abcstitch.com/ and of course http://www.trademe.co.nz/ which has a pretty comprehensive crafts section.
I've never looked it up on YouTube, and I have no idea how to embed videos, if there are any, but googling it led me to this video: http://www.wikihow.com/Cross-Stitch which is a step-by-step. I find it easy and relaxing, when I'm watching TV. I should do it more when I'm watching TV, but I've been very, very lazy.
This is what I'm working on right now:

I have many, many other works in progress, but I won't show them here, because they'd take over the whole post. Ahem.