Your mission, Weekly Geeks, is here:
Um ... I have no tools. No, really. Lately it feels like I've hardly been blogging at all and as of now, I have two reviews to write up.
I do have a Library Thing page, but I never seem to use it. I'm not even sure what it's for!
Probably I use www.twitter.com the most to connect with other bloggers. I'm a chatty bird over there, you may have noticed.
Other than that ... I'm extremely boring!
Happy Weekly Geeks!
If by "boring" you mean "awesome" then yes, yes you are :P
I use Librarything to keep track of which books I own - I especially love the "tbr" tag, which allows me browse through my unread shelves and decide what to read next. I don't keep my read and unread books apart, so it really comes in handy.
Quite alot of people Twitter it's their tool of choice - and as you said if you are chatty, it's nice to get involved...
I don't tweet, but I have a good chuckle when I see what you guys get up...
How do you keep track of you books or your TBR...
I know... you and I are both chatty on twitter. My post is here.
Is that your cat in the coke box? Boring people get their cats hats, exciting people let them make their own madness.
I upload all my reviews to Library Thing. Using it store TBRs is a good thing - I've seen that with another friend.
Nymeth: aw, thanks :D
Erotic Horizon: I keep a word document list. And I have a hard copy indexed notebook. :)
pussreboots: yep; we are :D
Jodie: yeah; that's Casper. Making his own fun - thank you :)
Kerrie: maybe I should check it out again :)
Hey, I like to read your posts. How can you say you are boring?!
Weekly Geeks: What Tools? What Trades?
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