Well here we are - it's beginning of the end of the journey. I hope you all have enjoyed taking it with us _ I know we've enjoyed the ride too! Thank you so much Eva, Teresa and Omnivore - this is so much fun!
(I slightly suck at html and linkages. If you go here: http://novelchallenges.blogspot.com/search/label/Lord%20of%20the%20Rings%20Readalong you'll see the other wonderful bloggers I've been sharing this journey with <3)
(and I know - that's horribly, horribly lazy as well. I'm writing this at 2.30am so I don't forget - lol)
I'm still on The Two Towers, but that doesn't mean I can't post my ROTK questions for those of you who are further ahead than me.
So - here goes:
1) We're coming to the end of the quest. Where are you in your reading?
2) Have you read LOTR before? If so, what are you anticipating most re-reading in ROTK? (er ... try to avoid spoilers, although I suppose that question makes that a bit tricky)
3) If you're new to Middle Earth ... how has the experience been for you so far?
4) Who's your favourite character in ROTK?
5) Favourite scene?
6) How do you feel about the overall series now that we're getting near the end?'
7) Have you seen the movies? Have they coloured your reading of ROTK?
8) Does reading the books make you want to watch the movies, or run screaming in the other direction?
Okay. Check back mid-April - there'll be more :D