By now, I would hope that I had finished Madame Bovary, finally, which is my first classic novel for my 12-month Diversity Classics challenge. At the time of writing, I had less than 70 pages to read.
Reader, dreamer, fangirl, film fan, TV addict, nascent gamer, chocolate fan, cat-owned, mum.
So here we are; at the end of the Hunger Games. And how was it?
Well ... okay. Here's the thing. Mockingjay is good. It's readable, and it's a fairly satisfying end to the trilogy, but I had issues with the last chapter, where Collins wraps everything up so tidily and basically does away with Gale as a character all together.
I read the book a couple of weeks ago, and as always happens to me, the details are hazy at best. But I was slightly ... underwhelmed. I mean, I enjoyed it and all, and it was easy to whip through, but the last chapter, I thought, kind of undermined everything that Katniss, Peeta and Gale – who was treated very shabbily at the end in my opinion – went through.
I can't help comparing Katniss as a character to Viola from the Chaos Walking trilogy – partly because I read them in a similar time-frame and partly because .... that's how my brain works.
They're both strong, female characters in YA novels, which is always something to be celebrated, but for me, there's something a little ... Mary Sue about Katniss, whereas Viola is very human – strong, yes, but flawed, and she makes mistakes, which she acknowledges, but she just keeps going.
H'm. I didn't mean to go off on that tangent – lol.
Anyway. There's a war on – the Capitol versus the rebels, and Katniss as the Mockingjay is right in the middle of it all, as the rebels' symbol and rallying call. She's reluctant at first to take up the mantle, but does so when she sees the extent of the suffering, and it's not long before the Mockingjay is the central rallying point for the rebels.
Katniss has her own personal dilemmas going on as well, as she finds herself caught between Gale and Peeta – a very common YA novel device that is becoming, may I say, a little tired? I was surprised at who Katniss ended up with, but not invested in it enough to really care, if that makes sense.
But YA authors with the love triangle thing? Knock it off, okay? It's getting tired and cliched. Or, possibly, I'm getting old.
But I felt like that last chapter almost undermined the pretty solid work Collins had put in with the rest of the series, and with the central characters. It's almost as if she got tired of it, and handwaved not only Gale, but Katniss' mother. Which, given the loss that Katniss and her mother sustained at the end of the war with the Capitol ... it's an emotionally unsatisfying conclusion anyway, and once again, I find myself comparing it to Monsters of Men, and finding Mockingjay wanting in relation to the ending of that series.
Anyway, I do apologise that this isn't really much of a review, but these are the impressions I'm left with a couple of weeks out from finishing the book.
Happy reading! :-)
Meme here: http://bookjourney.wordpress.com/
I had another fairly productive (for me) reading weekend, because I stayed with my mother again on Saturday night.
I actually took three books with me – the Wraeththu omnibus, Madame Bovary, and Tomorrow, When the War Began.
I was halfway through the second book of Wraeththu, and since it was an omnibus edition, I just ... kept reading and finished the whole trilogy yesterday morning.
Some sort of lazy, half-assed short review will be forthcoming sometime, I'm sure. I did enjoy it, and it got stronger as it went along, culminating in a very enjoyable third book. I believe there's a second Wraeththu trilogy, so I'm keen to get hold of that.
I'm still halfway through Madame Bovary, and I'm hoping to read it this week, but I'm on nights until Friday, and the rest of my time at home is fairly consumed by Patrick, so we'll see.
Speaking of ... Tomorrow, When the War Began is something like 280 pages, and I've been reading it for more than a week. It's fairly representative of how slow my reading is going this year.
But I persist. :D So, hopefully this week, Madame Bovary and Tomorrow, When the War Began ...
Happy reading! :-)