It's Monday. Which means it's time for http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/ to ask: What are you reading?
In the interests of full disclosure ...
Truth be told, I haven't done a lot of reading this past week. I finished Soldier in the Mist by Gene Wolfe, which was fantastic, and there'll be a review coming.
Other than that, I pretty much have nothing. Here's why: American-frickin-Idol. I only picked up on watching it two seasons ago after workmates of mine told me how funny the audition process could be. And you know, I was mildly hooked and watched the entire season. Last year, a little bit more hooked. This year … okay, this year, as far as American Idol is concerned, I'm 15 years old and have posters on my bedroom wall. Of whom? Ah …. you'll know if you follow my Twitter, or read my blog regularly.
The upshot is, I've been spending unseemly amounts of time on YouTube, and the AI website, and not reading … quite as much. Ahem.
In my defence, I DID start Brideshead Revisited, which is May's classic. I'm actually doing worse with that challenge than last year, but that'll be our little secret, internets. I read the prologue, and after reading a page and a half about why falling out of love with the army is like falling out of love with your wife, I resisted the (very) strong urge to pitch it across the room. But I loved the Jeremy Irons series (the recent movie, not so much) and it's a relatively short book.
I do still have Smoke & Mirrors and The Matriarch on the go, although the latter is going to be a slow finish as I'm only reading it at work. Loving it though _ Mr Ihimaera is a prose-poet.
Also, if I keep channelling my inner 15 year old in this unseemly manner, I'm going to have to start reading Nabokov (I just had to check the spelling of his name), or Dickens. Just to get those particular brain cells back. At my age, I can't afford to lose them.
Damn you Adam Lambert!!!!!!
(I'm kidding. Call me.)
LOL great post, thanks for giving me a giggle :-)
Boy, do I know what you mean.
I have three guilty pleasures: Lost, Fringe (and I REALLY Hate to admit this, but America's Next Top Model). I have never missed an episode of Lost. I schedule everything around it. So Wednesday nights are stare into the box and pray Sawyer doesn't get killed. I know I should be reading...but a Wednesday night without Sawyer...
LOL. That's why I avoid watching American Idol. I'm so afraid I'll get hooked! Anyway, to make you feel better, I only read one book last week too and I'm NOT hooked on American-frickin-Idol...:)
Happy Reading!
Haha, I've been watching a little bit of American Idol, just because it's on before Fringe. I can see how it would be a little bit addicting.
Hope you have a good week of reading!
Oh gosh! You gave me the best laugh. Yes, American Idol is addictive. Before giving up TV for good, I avoided it. Everyone I knew was hooked. I knew if I watched it the same would happen it me. ;)
that was the funniest post I've read in a long time! Please keep "channeling your inner 15 yr old" though that might be too old for Adam Lambert. Who's going to lose to Danny BTW!
Thanks everyone.
KB: ah ... them's fightin' words, although I quite like Danny, but mostly because he looks like Robert Downy jr.
I mean channelling my inner 15 year old in the inappropriate fan-girl gushing way :)
Thanks for the laugh :) Good luck reading more this week. For me it's Biggest Loser so I guess every reader has her/his demon(s).
Mary, I'm glad I'm not the only one!
You are too funny. I started watching AI auditions only too, and have watched the whole thing the last 2 years. It's a sickness really. In my defense I have to say thank goodness for my DVR! I record it then fast forward throgh all the opening nonsense and commercials. I only watch the performance amd judge remarks. :)
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