And I only have two books on my radar at the moment, both the fault of other books bloggers.
The first I stumbled across on the blog of the Book Zombie herself, Joanne, here: http://www.thebookzombie.com/2009/05/desire-lust-yearn-crave-covet.html When I saw that there was a prequel to Oryx and Crake, I literally had a fangirl moment and was all, like, no way!!!! I LOVE Oryx and Crake. And what this means, of course, is that I'll have to read it again before I get my mitts on The Year of the Flood.
The other one comes by way of Renay at http://renay.dreamwidth.org/
The book is this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0316040096 and is apparently a lesbian retelling of Cinderella. It sounds fantastic. I'm also accidentally stalking Renay on Twitter. Sorry about that.
A prequel - that sounds awesome! I'm also very excited about Ash!
Ash really does sound amazing. And I've yet to read Oryx and Crake, but I'll change that eventually.
Jodie: It does, doesn't it?
Nymeth: Hopefully I've increased your reading list for once, instead of the other way around ;)
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