Um, I mean, my catch-up challenge is done. How'd you all do? I failed.
Well, I finished the Once Upon a Time challenge, and I read half of Smoke & Mirrors for the Dream King challenge, but nothing at all for Dewey's Books challenge, or the Art History challenge.
However, I think I might run the challenge again in August. April and August - nice symmetry, right? Also, the challenges I didn't catch up on this month will still be going. :)
I hope everyone else did better than me. Leave a link to your wrap-up post in the comments and I'll come by and say hi. :)
I've been thinking "holy crap, it's May!" ever since I woke up, lol! I can't believe it's already May..
Hey you finished one challenge! Not bad at all!! I loved Smoke and Mirrors...it has some of my all time favorite short stories in it.
And no rush on the Dewey challenge! You still have 7 months!!
You already finished Once Upon a Time and that's pretty awesome.
I included my wrap up in my I Suck at Challenges post here: http://bookgazing.blogspot.com/2009/05/i-suck-at-challenges-april-update.html
I'd love to see you run this in August, it really did make me get up and start challenge reading.
Well it did make me catch up on some challenges so I did read the four books.. thanks Maree :)
Hi Maree,
My wrap up of your catch up challenge is posted at my place Just Books. It's here:
http://sherriesbooks.blogspot.com/2009/05/mini-catch-up-challenge-wrap-up.html I finished 2 and am still working on the other ones. Looking forward to your August Catch Up Challenge. Have a great day!!
Well, I flunked this challenge bigtime-rare for me but my health caught up with me and I did learn a couple of things. I'd love to try again in August though. Thanks. And I love the button.
Hi Maree, well, at least you were able to put up the wrap up post in time... Mine only went up today!!! Sorry! You can find it here: http://scribacchina.freehostia.com/Blog/archives/623
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